I was born in Odessa the seaport city in Ukraine. That is probably one of the reasons why I love painting water, rocks and sky. Only then I feel alive and free, and this is vital for me. Life is so short and vulnerable, especially acutely I feel it now after experiencing being in a war zone in my home country. My paintings reflect my love for art, music and dance. They are interconnected in so many ways and for me there is no one without the other.
I’ve studied art professionally since I was 10, and I continue to learn, and explore every day. My love for art began in my childhood when I discovered joy of mixing colors in painting, acting out different roles on the stage at a junior theater and learned about structure and composition of melodies in my music classes. I was a very busy child and I couldn’t get enough of Art in all forms. Art has always been my refuge and the place where I find freedom and purpose. After many years of art training I am still exploring who I am as an artist and where it leads me. I experience life through visual art, music, and dance. For me, Synesthesia is most exiting way to study art, explore how a melody could be translated in to color and then performed on the stage through motion and choreography. All forms of art have similar attributes, similar characteristics, similar purpose. To touch our hearts and our minds; to heal, restore and bring life and freedom. I had experienced first hands what it means when freedom is taken away from you, when the destruction, horror and death is inevitable and your life is changed forever in a second. I will never forget February 24th, the moment when I woke up from bombing, the day when the war in Ukraine have started. My life has forever changed, so have I. Realizing there is nothing more valuable than being present here and now. Only life and people you love matter. Nothing else.
This experience focused my artistic voice to speak loud and clear, to be active, to realize that art is a language that needs to be used to communicate ideas, feelings, and knowledge.
I see myself as a representative of my generation. Young people who have lost their dreams of happy life and are struggling to find purpose and hope in the midst of madness happening in their lives and across the globe. We all are in this together and we all need each other on this journey called life. This realization helped me stay strong and positive when I got diagnosed with cancer last year. I had no idea how I will get to the other side but step by step, day by day with help of an amazing doctors and treatment I am alive and living my purpose. Making art during this time helped me stay focused. Art has become my therapy, a tool to help me cope with difficult circumstances. Art is also a gift I share with others in my daily life. I have battled war, depression and cancer, I have found a way to stay focused on the task at hand.
Natalia Aandewiel is a classically trained artist with a profound passion for the arts.
She holds a Masters's degree in Education with a concentration in Fine Arts, earned from the prestigious National Academy of Art and Architecture in Kyiv, Ukraine, in 2019.
Her artistic journey began when she graduated with honors from the special High school for gifted children Schevchenko State Art School in Kyiv, Ukraine. Then she went on and earned her Bachelor's in Fine Art in 2017, from the National Academy of Art and Architecture in Kyiv.
Natalia expanded her artistic horizons with a one-year course in 2016 from the Florence Classical Arts Academy, enriching her skills and understanding of art. She further honed her craft with training in animation from The Animation Workshop in Viborg, Denmark.
Natalia held her first Personal Exhibit featuring more the 50 artworks in State Historical and Archtectural Reserve ‘Stara Uman” in 2015 in Uman, Ukraine.